
Director Journal week 10 & 11

Director Journal week 10

When the lecture come to week 10, we all have to pitching idea for short film. we only have 3 sentence to present our idea. mu original scipt is about a girl who have a natural power, she can through touching your skin and read your memory . But it seem similar with other film so i just drop this idea and start to think for other one.


Alice, Jason, David, Jasmine, Ali, Alan, Jun---seven people are the plants researcher, they decide to conduct a research at the forest for a week.
During the journey horrible things happened, three of them were killed, two of them were missing in the mountain; Alice and Jason found the reason that the forest spirit trapped them to flee, when they will be killed, they heard the sound of a helicopter.

When they are rescued, they come to realize that they have been trapped in the deep forest for three years.

Director Journal week 11

This week we have an evaluation about the video that we have done. This evaluation is carry about 10% from 50%. Dr. Azalan will choose a presenter from the group to explain our work and answering his question.We wanted to send shinno ---our director to answer the question, but instead of shinno has carrying two subjects, so we decide Sylvia   ---assistant director to present us for the evaluation.

PENILAIAN 1 (6/5/2014, SELASA, 3 PTG)
Aspects of evaluation?
1. Narration (story, dramatic appeal, 3 act structure)
2. Sound (music, dialogue, silence, narrator, sound effects)

3. Shot (focus, frame, angle, movement, space, sets, light, color)4. Editing (order, cuts, duration, rhythm, continuity, montage).

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