


Alice, Jason, David, Jasmine, Ali, Alan, Jun---seven people are the plants researcher, they decide to conduct a research at the forest for a week.

During the journey horrible things happened, three of them were killed, two of them were missing in the mountain; Alice and Jason found the reason that the forest spirit trapped them to flee, when they will be killed, they heard the sound of a helicopter.

When they are rescued, they come to realize that they have been trapped in the deep forest for three years.

Review Public Screening

Review Public Screening 

27/5 hari itu merupakan hari public screening yang dianjurkan oleh pelajar yang mengambil course seni pengarahan film. Pada pukul 8.30, semua audien sudah berkumpul di tempat amphitheatre alam bina. Audien kita bukan sahaja dari pelajar produksi, public screening adalah terbuka kepada semua orang terutama untuk pelajar fakulti lain.

Pada pukul lebih kurang 9:30pm, screening bermula 14 buah film pendek ditayangkan. Selepas habis tayangan, slot mencabut hadiah, makanan dan pertukaran hadiah dijalankan antara pelajar yang membawa hadiah masing-masing.

Bagi saya, saya berasa amphitheatre alam bina merupakan satu tempat yang mempunyai suasana yang baik untuk memberi tayangan kerana tempat ini besar dan selesa, macam berada di pawagam.


 Last week, we have process the rehearsal shooting in two plan. One is Dr. Azalan plan,other is our group plan. After finish the shooting, we need to do the editing work ,then decide which plan we going to use
20/4 we have a 
 meeting on the Thursday. Every group must have a presenter to present our idea and what we had done for last week. after present, Dr. Azilan will ask us to give some opinion so that we can improve our work. Shinno Lim is the presenter in our group. when shen finish give her speech, syazwan had give us a opinion about the zoom in and zoom out the lens. he suggest us to use trolley to move the camera lens.


Screening Night 2014 (Reveiw) Week 12



      Tema bagi screening night tahun ini adalah wintage and bowtie. Dinner dimulakan pada 8:15 pm dengan ucapan pengerusi majlis ini dan seterusnya prof. Azizah turuf memberi ucapan yang menyatakan majlis ini sangat berjaya dan bermakna.

        Selepas memberi ucapan, majlis mula bertayang video yang dihasil oleh setiap kumpulan. Bagi saya, saya lebih suka jalan cerita "petonah" kerana ia mengisahkan hubungan seorang inspekter baru dengan penduduk tempatan dengan cara yang kelakar. Selain itu, jalan cerita "bomoh" juga menarik perhatian saya, secara peribadi, saya amat menghargai lakonan mereka, tetapi cara shooting mungkin terdapat sedikit masalah dalam terlalu banyak zoom in dan zoon out, hal ini menyebabkan video pendek itu mengandungi terlalu banyak shot yang mungkin akan conflict audience. Tambahan, short film "Epilogue"memang sempurna dari segi composition camera, lighting, editing dan prop and Art, tetapi suara pelakon susah nak dengan jelas disebabkan loghat yang berat, jadi saya mencadangkan meletak subtitle. 

          Secara rumusanya, majlis ini berjalan dengan lancar. Makanan dan service sangat memuaskan. 


Director Journal week 10 & 11

Director Journal week 10

When the lecture come to week 10, we all have to pitching idea for short film. we only have 3 sentence to present our idea. mu original scipt is about a girl who have a natural power, she can through touching your skin and read your memory . But it seem similar with other film so i just drop this idea and start to think for other one.


Alice, Jason, David, Jasmine, Ali, Alan, Jun---seven people are the plants researcher, they decide to conduct a research at the forest for a week.
During the journey horrible things happened, three of them were killed, two of them were missing in the mountain; Alice and Jason found the reason that the forest spirit trapped them to flee, when they will be killed, they heard the sound of a helicopter.

When they are rescued, they come to realize that they have been trapped in the deep forest for three years.


           The Sixth Sense/1999/M. Night. Shyamalan

1. Siapakah M. Night. Shyamalan dan bincangkan gaya pengarahan beliau secara umum.

M. Night. Shyamalan born in 6/8/1970, is a Indian-born American film screen writer, director, producer, and actor. M. Night. Shyamalan is the son of two doctor. But he did follow his parents foot step. his passion for filmmaking began when he was given a super-8 camera at age eight. In 1999’s The Sixth Sense, the film was starring by Bruce Willis and Haley Jool Osment. 

(Rebecca Flint Marx, Rovi(2009) "Answer Note: M. Night. Shyamalan")

In my think, His shooting style is focus on the ending part, he always put the surprise at the final part movie.  The director very attention to the storyline details, and then focus on ending climax, because he want to form the story step by step, to done all the preparation for the last moment.

2. Sila rumuskan dalam satu perenggan synopsis filem The Sixth Sense.

Malcom (Bruce Willis) is a distinguished family child psychologist, he was help a lof of children back to the right track. Because of this, he also won the government recognition. Unexpectedly, one of his child patient before, break into the malcom’s house, and then shot him, and then committed suicide. One year later, Malcom doctor face again the similar case. He decide to try again, the child name Cole (Haley Jool Osment). Cole has Ying Yang eyes, long suffering with the ghost problem, he can see the dead people all the time, so he was very afraid. Malcom want to help him but Cole don’t want to acceptable because he think no one can help him run from his destiny. But with the continuously effort by Malcom doctor, Cole finally let the doctor know his fear------“I CAN SEE DEAD PEOPLE”. In the treatment, Malcom found communication problem with his wife, and his wife seen to have an affair. So, Malcom face two challenges, job and marriage. With the accompanied by Malcom, Cole successfully helped a little girl to exposing her secret of death. Finally, Cole told Malcom, he can try to communicate with his wife when she is sleep. When he talked to his wife, he also recall back his memory that he was already dead in the reality.

3. The Sixth Sense adalah sebuah filem dalam genre drama (tragedy) berbanding horror. Apakah kelainan yang cuba ditonjolkan oleh M.Night Shyamalan dalam filem ini?

The sixth sense is a genre film if comparing with horror film. This film full with of deep affection, because of this unique, its difficult to be classified in any type of horror film. In a small plot, Cole had twice asked his mother the same question.  Cole looked disturbed at his mother and asked her:

“You think I’m a freak?”
“Look at my eyes, I would never think that about you, ever! got it?”
Cole feel very relieved, his eyes were sparking: “got it.”

4. Bincangkan watak dan perwatakan dalam filem ini dan bagaimana ia menyumbang kepada kesan plot cerita?

In the “The Sixth Sense”, there has two main character. Malcom doctor (Bruce Willis) and Cole (Haley Jool Osment). In my opinion, he is a very good at acting and participating in many movie role. The climax of the film can be successful because of his acting. In the last part of the film, the way he look at his wife, the way he talk to her and his deep feeling of expression won applause from the audience. In the last scence, he recall back he was already death, his expression start to become surprise, fear and despair.

Cole (Haley Jool Osment) only 9-10 year old, but really good in acting. In one part: “I CAN SEE DEAD PEOPLE”….when he curled up in the yard, with a trembling voice and tell the secret to his trusted doctor Malcom. His eyes filled with tears, his expression show him very fear and nervous to talk about the most horrible thing in the world.

5. Bincangkan kepentingan konsep twits dalam penulisan skrip filem ini.     
In my opinion, concept twist is very important in the writing script film “The Sixth Sense” because its can add more emotion to the plot, for example, more terror, tension, and mystery. The director is use this concept to let the film ending achieved the climax so that the audience will been keeping refresh about the story.


Never Been Kissed Movie Review

Never Been Kissed

“All of you people, there is a big world out there... bigger than prom, bigger than high school and it won't matter if you were the prom queen, the quarterback of the football team, or the biggest nerd in school. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it.”

The sentence is what she ---Josie Geller (Drew Barrymore) say in the prom night. when Gibby, Kirsten and Kristen nearly pour dog food over Aldys, Josie knocks the can away from Aldys and spills dog food over the three girls. She angrily warns the students that who you were in high school means nothing outside in the real world and urges them to be themselves. She want to say about inside the high school they may be a very famous person, very cool and have many friends but this does not mean that in the outside world they can do anything they want. They are many challenges in life, we should not be afraid of it and bully the weaker to show your ability.
