
Forrest Gump
       Story beginning with a man named Forrest Gump is sitting at a bus station. He talking to every passengers are sitting beside him. He start to share about his experience. He start to talk when he was only 12 years old and 75IQ. Forrest mother bring him to put on a leg braces. Because of this, he always being bullied by other children. But, luckily him meet his true love in his live----Jenny, who is his only friend. One day, three children chasing him with bicycle, Jenny told him to run away. Forrest's leg braces break apart and fall away and he discovers that he can run very fast, until he can run faster than a bicycle.

       Because he can run faster, he got the offer to the University of Alabama. After he graduated, he decide to join Army. He meet his best friend Bubba, and they agree to go into shrimping business together. Owing to his attitude, honest and follow the instruction of military officers, he obtained very good results in the Army school. After that, Forrest and Bubba is sent to Vietnam.
       After arrived there, Forrest meet a person 2nd Lt. Dan Taylor, who is his platoon leader. Every day, he will write letter to jenny, because he miss her so much. One day, war happen in Vietnam, Forrest saves four of the men in his platoon, including Lt. Dan Taylor, but Bubba sacrifice in the war. Because of this, he receives the Medal of Honor from President Lyndon B. Johnson.

       For some reason ping pong is very nature to him, and he started to play all the time, he play ping pong so good until the army decided him to join the America ping pong team and playing ping pong with the Chinese team. After him end his service, he went home.

       He decide to start the shrimping business with buy a new shrimping boat with all themoney him has. Lt. Dan Taylor keeps his own promise and joins Forrest as first mate. After they go thought many challenges, finally they succeeded. When he succeeded, he heard the new about his ailing mother, who dies soon afterwards. Forrest leaves the company to Dan, who is a very good business development and making them both millionaires.

       Jenny returns to visit Forrest and stays with him. Jenny has relationship with Forrest, but next morning she just gone. Forrest feel despair and alone again. So he decide to go for a run, which turn into three-years did not stop. One day he stops suddenly and returnshome.

       He receives a letter from Jenny asking to meet, which brings him to the bus stop where he began telling his story. While he saw jenny and a child, he very surprised that Jenny become a mother and he became his father. Jenny told him she is sick and would him marry with her or not. Forrest very happy and answered yes. Eventually, Jenny dies. Forrest waits with Forrest Jr. for the bus to pick him up for his first day of school, and sits on the same tree stump where his mother sat on his first day of school. (The End)

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